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Gregory Vogt School (E-Learning)

Gain instant access to ALL MECSR Global Retail Network, Researches, GVS Trainings & Events and get exclusive discount offers from our Support Partners with your ONE Global Associate Membership

GVS (E-Learning) Recent Members

How GVS (E-Learning) can help you?

  • Education

    GVS provides you with unlimited access to training modules about shopping centre management, operations, leasing, marketing, F&B, customer service, retail planning, and security.

  • Network

    GVS is your avenue to network, collaborate, learn, engage and share ideas with other retail professionals regionally and globally

  • Resources & Partners

    GVS gives you unlimited access to retail exclusive articles, researches, expert views, insights, podcast & webinars including exclusive discounts and offers from our partners

One Price for All: 1000 USD

Expanding opportunities for everyone in the Shopping Centre & Retail Industry

As corporate members you are allowed to enrol ALL of your company staff to the GVS (E-Learning) Program and get unlimited benefits.
One Price for All: 1000 USD Expanding opportunities for everyone in the Shopping Centre & Retail Industry

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